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Cradle Catholic with a lot of questions; such as, why am I just figuring this stuff out now?

June 16, 2011

Have Priests Always Been Celibate?

Saint Paul was one of the first to list out the potential value of celibacy (1 Cor 27:35). Essentially Saint Paul argues that celibate men and women are less divided in their attention and are better able to focus on the Lord. Yet in the beginning, for at least the first 300 years, there were no rules restricting chastity among the clergy. Eventually, the example of the celibate monks began to influence church law. In 305 AD the Council of Elvira, considered the oldest positive ecclesiastical ordinance concerning the celibacy of the clergy, declared that bishops, priests, deacons and all clerics in the ministry were prohibited from marriage. This was reaffirmed by the Council of Carthage in 390.
References: Why Do Catholics DO That? by Kevin Orlin Johnson

June 8, 2011

Is the Eucharist the Real Body and Blood of Christ?

Every Sunday Christians are nourished during mass by the Eucharist, which is the transformation of bread and wine into the body and blood of the Lord Jesus. These simple elements are considered sacred signs of the Lord’s grace. Roman Catholics, as well as Orthodox churches, High Church Anglicans and certain Lutherans believe that a true transformation occurs, called transubstantiation, during the consecration. The Eucharist becomes Christ. Protestants believe the body and blood are symbols of Christ.
References: Symbols of Catholicism; Assouline Publishing; 2000